In the 1930s, the recently renovated Catonsville Elementary School located on Bloomsbury Avenue was once a high school that refused to enroll African-American students—a practice typical of the segregation era. A 13-year-old…
Author: Northwest Voice
Banneker Museum Celebrates 20 Years of Culture, Science, History Exhibitions
From 1980 to 1985 Baltimore County, at the request of local historians and community leaders, purchased 142 acres of land in Oella that had formerly been astronomer Benjamin Banneker’s family homestead. On…
Campaign Period of Twists and Turns Culminates on Primary Election Day
A campaign season that has seen some remarkable twists and turns is winding down as early voting begins 10 a.m. Thursday, June 14, and continues through June 21. Polls open 10 a.m….
The Political Field Has Been Set
Now that the Feb. 27 deadline has passed for people to file for state, local and federal office in the 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial Election, an examination of those who have signed up…