Several armed robberies took place in the northwest. Be a good, watchful neighbor and report any suspicious activity in your community. Don’t assume someone else has already called the police, that the…
Author: Northwest Voice
To Market, To Market
Most farmers’ markets around the county are in full swing, with fresh fruit and vegetables and other organic foods for purchase. Most vendors participate in the Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP), Fruit…
From the Publisher: Elected Officials Must Work as a Team
I’d like to talk about cohesiveness and strength. Twenty years ago, I was a Pikesville resident and was active in community and politics. Before that, I lived in Woodlawn. Every so often…
Schools the Focus of County’s FY15 Spending Plan
Baltimore County’s $1.75 billion operating budget and $175.7 million capital budget for the 2015 fiscal year took effect July 1. Residents will be pleased to know that once again, there will be no…